Saturday, 14 July 2012

Server Hacking From Remote PC Using Hydra Via SSH Dictionary Attack In Backtrack

 Server Hacking From Remote PC Using Hydra Via SSH Dictionary Attack In Backtrack

Backtrack is a Linux based toolset geared toward network security and security exploits. It includes a large collection of individual tools each designed to perform specific functions, like WEP cracking, SQL injection and HTTP exploits.
This attack is commonly used against remote Linux servers on which SSH service is enabled.
Hydra is a password cracking tool available in Backtrack.
Let the IP address of the server be
So start an nmap scan. For that open terminal and issue the following command:

nmap –p 22

After the scan is completed, it will show you whether SSH service is enabled at port 22. You can only proceed if the nmap scan shows the result similar to that in the above image.
Now open hydra GUI which is located at BackTrack -> Privilege Escalation -> Password Attacks -> Online Attacks -> hydra-gtk

On the target tab specify the details as follows:

Single Target:

Port: 22

Protocol: ssh

Show Attempts: checked

Be Verbose: checked

On the Password tab specify the details as follows:

Username: root //we are assuming that the username is root.

Password List: Select a password list.

On the Tuning tab specify the details as follows:

Number of Tasks: 10

Timeout: 29

Now click on the Start tab and select Start and wait for Hydra to crack the password. The password will be cracked if its there in the password list.

Now after you got the password go to terminal and issue the following command:


root@’s password:

it will ask for the password give the password and you are in the remote system


  1. how to hack ssh root


  2. how to crack ssh|ssh cracker|lazy ssh cracker|easy method of ssh cracking
